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Beef Tomato Rose De Berne [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
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Seeds 30 Seeds
  • 30 Seeds

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  • Open-pollinated and reproducible

  • Standard high germination rate

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Shipping National Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)
Envelope or package up to 500g = €4.50 (standard)
Package up to 2kg = €7
Shipping Europe
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Package up to 1kg = €14
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Package up to 2kg = €35
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Envelope or package up to 500g = €14 (standard)
Package up to 1kg = €22.50
Package up to 2kg = €34.50
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  • Sustainable paper packaging

The perennial beef tomato 'Rose de Berne' is a medium-late, popular and historical stake tomato variety. With different pink fruits, approx. 300g in size, and an intense aromatic, fruity and sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in spring, good for mixed culture, harvesting the fruits.

The beef tomato 'Rose de Berne' is a perennial old Swiss variety and is one of the most popular historical tomato varieties. The robust stake tomato is a medium-late variety and has strikingly different sized, pink fruits. The taste of the juicy tomatoes is intensely aromatic, fruity and sweet. The tomato forms a thin and soft skin and should therefore be protected from heavy rain. It is a delicacy for snacks or in salads and is also suitable for soups and sauces.

 General information 
Plant family: Solanaceae
Life cycle:
Days to harvest:
120 days
Plant height approx.:
250 cm
Root type:
Deep and shallow rooter
Nutrient requirements:
Water requirements:
Winter hardiness:
Up to 3°C
Sunny until semi shady
Permeable, humus-rich loamy soil

pH value: 6 to 7

 Sowing and planting information 
Germination type:
Dark germinator
Sowing depth:
1 cm
Optimal germination temperature:
22-28 °C
Germination time:
5-10 days
Plant and row spacing:
50x70 cm

Germination ability of seeds: 8-9 years

 Mixed culture 
Optimal mixed culture: Basil, Nasturtium, Garlic, Onion, Cabbage, New Zealand Spinach, Parsley, Celery, Radish, Marigold, Lettuce
Unfavorable mixed culture: Pepper, Eggplant, Physalis, Potato

 Sowing by climate zone 
Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Pre-cultivation from January to April is recommended. The ideal location for the plants is warm and sunny.
Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Pre-cultivation from March to May is recommended. The plants should ideally be located in a place protected from rain, warm and sunny.

 General recommendations 
The best time to germinate tomatoes is the first warm summer week in spring. After the seeds have germinated in warm temperatures, the seedlings need cooler temperatures. For pre-cultivation, sow the seeds in a small bowl and let the seedlings grow until the first visible tomato leaves appear, then transplant them into the desired containers. After transplanting, let the seedlings grow at moderate temperatures until they are ready to be planted out as seedlings. Plant the seedlings in the bed from the second pair of leaves after the cotyledons.
The beef tomato 'Berner Rose' does not tolerate waterlogging.

 Additional tips 
Beef tomato plants are generally cultivated with 1 or 2 shoots. A framework for tying the tomato shoots with tomato hooks is recommended. In order to stimulate root growth and thus plant growth, the seedlings are planted deeper into the soil when pricked out, up to the leaf axis of the cotyledons. Sufficient and even watering has a positive effect on fruit quality. At temperatures below 5°C, the plant reduces its growth. Regular harvesting increases yield. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and permeable soil with good nutrient and water storage capacity, additional incorporation of biochar and primary rock flour is recommended.

 Type of propagation 
Propagation occurs via seeds and cuttings.

 Plant care 
Loosened, nutrient-rich and constantly moist soil is fundamentally important for growth and quality fruit formation. Depending on the condition of the soil, fertilization is recommended after 10 weeks.

 Other names 
Botanical names: Solanum lycopersicum
English names: Beef tomato, Meat tomato
German names: Fleischtomate
Portuguese names: Tomate
Spanish names: Tomate
French names: Tomate

Country: Portugal

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Open pollinated and reproducible