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Fruit and fruit vegetables

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Im Angebot

Eggplant Blanche Ronde a Oeuf [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Blanche ronde a oeuf' is a small, medium-early French variety with pure white, egg-shaped fruits weighing 50 to 100g. The taste is uniquely aromatic, with a slight hint of mushroom, without bitter note. Ideal for...
  • 15 Seeds

Eggplant Rotonda Bianca Sfumata di Rosa [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Rotonda Bianca Sfumata di Rosa' is an attractive lavender-colored and old Italian variety with 15cm long fruits that weigh up to 500g. The taste is delicately creamy and sweet-aromatic, without a bitter note. Ideal for...
  • 15 Seeds

Cucumber Tanja [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Tanja' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 20-25cm long fruits, fast-growing and resistant to typical cucumber diseases. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 20 Seeds

Bell Pepper Quadrato d’Asti Giallo [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bell pepper 'Quadrato d’Asti Giallo' is a traditional and medium-early sweet pepper with many yellow block-shaped fruits weighing up to 220g. Deliciously crunchy and juicy-sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing in spring, good...
  • 25 Seeds

Bell Pepper Sweet Chocolate [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bell pepper 'Sweet Chocolate' is a special historic and early ripening sweet pepper with numerous chocolate-brown and elongated block-shaped fruits weighing up to 100g. Aromatic, mild-sweet taste with a unique appearance. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 25 Seeds

Chili De Cayenne [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial chili 'De Cayenne' is a medium-late and the best-known hot chili. Cayenne pepper is made from this traditional variety and is characterized by its sharp heat and slightly smoky, spicy taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture...
  • 30 Seeds

Bottle Tomato Banana Legs [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bottle tomato 'Banana Legs' is a rare, medium-early and high-yielding stick tomato with sunny yellow, elongated fruits. The taste of the fruits is mild, fruity-sweet and almost acid-free. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in...
  • 25 Seeds

Cocktail Tomato Sugar Grape [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial cocktail tomato 'Sugar grape' is an early-ripening stake tomato with lots of small, red, round fruits. The taste is sweet with sugar and honey, ideal for drying for self-sufficiency. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing in...
  • 40 Seeds

Beef Tomato German Gold [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beef tomato 'German Gold' is a golden yellow, early-ripening and historical stake tomato with a fruit weight of 300 to 700g. It has an unmistakable aroma with a juicy, delicately spicy and sweet taste. Ideal for...
  • 20 Seeds

Beef Tomato Tschernij Prince [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beefsteak tomato 'Tschernij Prince' is a medium-early, small-growing and old Russian variety rarity with 400g fruits. The stake tomato produces fruits with an excellent fruity and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in spring,...
  • 25 seeds

Sugar Melon - Cantalopue Petit Gris de Rennes [Cucumis melo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual Cantaloupe melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes' produces fruits weighing 500 to 800 g with orange and aromatic flesh, even in cooler regions. With subtle caramel nuances and a fine melon-like taste. Ideal for direct sowing or...
  • 20 Seeds

Watermelon Sugar Baby [Citrullus lanatus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual watermelon 'Sugar Baby' develops fruits weighing up to 3 kg with salmon-colored, juicy flesh. The taste of the fruits is aromatic and sweet. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing in spring, good...
  • 20 Seeds

Boxthorn - Goji Berry [Lycium barbarum]

€3,00 EUR €1,25 EUR
€5.681,82 EUR kg
The perennial goji berry is an old and hardy berry bush in traditional Chinese medicine. The berries are considered a 'superfood' and taste fruity and sweet. They are ideal for embankment stabilization. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible,...
  • 0.22g - 150 Seeds

Eggplant Dourga [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Dourga' is a rather unknown white variety that develops fruits that are 20cm long and weigh up to 600g. It is highly valued due to its mild winter hardiness and mild, sweet taste. Ideal for...
  • 15 Seeds

Eggplant Little Green [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Little green' is an even lesser-known neon green variety that develops early fruits that are 20cm long and weigh up to 600g. It is cold-tolerant and has a fine, slightly sweet and aromatic taste. Ideal...
  • 15 Seeds

Eggplant Blue Queen [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Blue Queen' is an old and early variety that produces a generous yield. The undemanding variety is also suitable for outdoor cultivation in cooler climates. It develops purple fruits that have a very pleasant, intense...
  • 15 Seeds

Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pickling cucumber 'Vorgebirgstrauben' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 7-9 cm short fruits, ideal for pickling as gherkins. Ideal for direct sowing or for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
  • 25 Seeds

Snake Cucumber Arola [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Arola' is a hardy mixed flowering dioecious snake cucumber with a real cucumber taste experience! Up to 35 cm long and narrow fruits. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good...
  • 10 Seeds

Bell Pepper Yolo Wonder [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bell pepper 'Yolo Wonder' is an early-ripening, robust and traditional block pepper. The thick-fleshed fruits weigh up to 150g and have a fruity, sweet and crisp taste. Does not require support. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 25 Seeds

Cocktail Tomato Lemon Grape [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial cocktail tomato 'Lemon Grape' is a robust, medium-early and high-yielding stake tomato. A special feature with numerous flat, round, grooved and small lemon-yellow tomatoes that smell and taste of lemons. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 40 Seeds

Beef Tomato San Marzano [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beefsteak tomato 'San Marzano' is a late, robust, old and traditional small-growing stake tomato variety. The taste is legendary, fruity and aromatic and is ideal for making tomato paste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing...
  • 25 Seeds

Oxheart Tomato Sonnenherz [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial oxheart tomato 'Sonnenherz' is an easy-to-grow, early-ripening rarity among stake tomato varieties. Very productive with 250-350g heavy fruits and a sweet, fruity and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in spring, good for...
  • 20 Seeds

Ox Heart Tomato Orange [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial oxheart tomato 'Orange' is an early and robust stake tomato variety. High-yielding plants with fruits weighing around 250g and with an incomparable fruity-sweet and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in spring, good...
  • 25 Seeds

Meat Tomato White Beauty [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beefsteak tomato 'White Beauty' is a medium-late, robust and still unknown variety of stake tomato. The white fruits, which are around 200g in size, are slightly pink on the inside and have a special mild-sweet tomato...
  • 25 Seeds

Meat Tomato Giant Tomato Pineapple [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial giant tomato 'Pineapple' is a late-ripening, large-growing and excellent stake tomato variety with fruits weighing well over 500g. The unique taste of this high-yielding tomato is sweet, juicy, fruity and reminiscent of melon, with a pineapple...
  • 20 Seeds

Beef Tomato Rose De Berne [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beef tomato 'Rose de Berne' is a medium-late, popular and historical stake tomato variety. With different pink fruits, approx. 300g in size, and an intense aromatic, fruity and sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible,...
  • 30 Seeds

Charentais melon Murrmel [Cucupis melo]

€3,00 EUR
The 'Murrmel' melon is an annual, free-growing Charentais melon that originally comes from West to Central Africa and has been known and cultivated there for over 3000 years. With an even fruit set and an average fruit weight...
  • 20 Seeds

Zucchini Alberello Di Sarzana [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual zucchini 'Alberello di Sarzana' is a strong-growing, tried and tested and traditional Italian vegetable. With tender and fruity flesh and a very long harvest period. Ideal for self-sufficiency. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
  • 10 Seeds

Pumpkin Hokkaido Red Kuri [Cucurbita maxima]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pumpkin 'Red Kuri' produces 3-5 pumpkins per plant that weigh 1-2 kg, are round and orange to red in color. Orange-yellow flesh. The taste is similar to sweet chestnuts, mild, nutty and sweet. It can be...
  • 15 Seeds

Pumpkin Sweet Dumpling [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pumpkin 'Sweet Dumpling' develops early 300-600g small fruits with a tender and firm flesh. The taste is creamy, mild with a very aromatic chestnut aroma. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in...
  • 15 Seeds

Eggplant Blanche Ronde a Oeuf [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Blanche ronde a oeuf' is a small, medium-early French variety with pure white, egg-shaped fruits weighing 50 to 100g. The taste is uniquely aromatic, with a slight hint of mushroom, without bitter...
  • 15 Seeds

Eggplant Rotonda Bianca Sfumata di Rosa [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Rotonda Bianca Sfumata di Rosa' is an attractive lavender-colored and old Italian variety with 15cm long fruits that weigh up to 500g. The taste is delicately creamy and sweet-aromatic, without a bitter...
  • 15 Seeds

Cucumber Tanja [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Tanja' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 20-25cm long fruits, fast-growing and resistant to typical cucumber diseases. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation,...
  • 20 Seeds

Bell Pepper Quadrato d’Asti Giallo [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bell pepper 'Quadrato d’Asti Giallo' is a traditional and medium-early sweet pepper with many yellow block-shaped fruits weighing up to 220g. Deliciously crunchy and juicy-sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 25 Seeds

Bell Pepper Sweet Chocolate [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bell pepper 'Sweet Chocolate' is a special historic and early ripening sweet pepper with numerous chocolate-brown and elongated block-shaped fruits weighing up to 100g. Aromatic, mild-sweet taste with a unique appearance. Ideal for pre-cultivation,...
  • 25 Seeds

Chili De Cayenne [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial chili 'De Cayenne' is a medium-late and the best-known hot chili. Cayenne pepper is made from this traditional variety and is characterized by its sharp heat and slightly smoky, spicy taste. Ideal for...
  • 30 Seeds

Bottle Tomato Banana Legs [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bottle tomato 'Banana Legs' is a rare, medium-early and high-yielding stick tomato with sunny yellow, elongated fruits. The taste of the fruits is mild, fruity-sweet and almost acid-free. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture...
  • 25 Seeds

Cocktail Tomato Sugar Grape [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial cocktail tomato 'Sugar grape' is an early-ripening stake tomato with lots of small, red, round fruits. The taste is sweet with sugar and honey, ideal for drying for self-sufficiency. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
  • 40 Seeds

Beef Tomato German Gold [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beef tomato 'German Gold' is a golden yellow, early-ripening and historical stake tomato with a fruit weight of 300 to 700g. It has an unmistakable aroma with a juicy, delicately spicy and sweet...
  • 20 Seeds

Beef Tomato Tschernij Prince [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beefsteak tomato 'Tschernij Prince' is a medium-early, small-growing and old Russian variety rarity with 400g fruits. The stake tomato produces fruits with an excellent fruity and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible,...
  • 25 seeds

Sugar Melon - Cantalopue Petit Gris de Rennes [Cucumis melo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual Cantaloupe melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes' produces fruits weighing 500 to 800 g with orange and aromatic flesh, even in cooler regions. With subtle caramel nuances and a fine melon-like taste. Ideal for...
  • 20 Seeds

Watermelon Sugar Baby [Citrullus lanatus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual watermelon 'Sugar Baby' develops fruits weighing up to 3 kg with salmon-colored, juicy flesh. The taste of the fruits is aromatic and sweet. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 20 Seeds

Boxthorn - Goji Berry [Lycium barbarum]

€3,00 EUR €1,25 EUR
The perennial goji berry is an old and hardy berry bush in traditional Chinese medicine. The berries are considered a 'superfood' and taste fruity and sweet. They are ideal for embankment stabilization. Ideal for pre-cultivation,...
  • 0.22g - 150 Seeds

Eggplant Dourga [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Dourga' is a rather unknown white variety that develops fruits that are 20cm long and weigh up to 600g. It is highly valued due to its mild winter hardiness and mild, sweet...
  • 15 Seeds

Eggplant Little Green [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Little green' is an even lesser-known neon green variety that develops early fruits that are 20cm long and weigh up to 600g. It is cold-tolerant and has a fine, slightly sweet and...
  • 15 Seeds

Eggplant Blue Queen [Solanum melongena]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial eggplant 'Blue Queen' is an old and early variety that produces a generous yield. The undemanding variety is also suitable for outdoor cultivation in cooler climates. It develops purple fruits that have a...
  • 15 Seeds

Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pickling cucumber 'Vorgebirgstrauben' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 7-9 cm short fruits, ideal for pickling as gherkins. Ideal for direct sowing or for...
  • 25 Seeds

Snake Cucumber Arola [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Arola' is a hardy mixed flowering dioecious snake cucumber with a real cucumber taste experience! Up to 35 cm long and narrow fruits. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 10 Seeds

Bell Pepper Yolo Wonder [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bell pepper 'Yolo Wonder' is an early-ripening, robust and traditional block pepper. The thick-fleshed fruits weigh up to 150g and have a fruity, sweet and crisp taste. Does not require support. Ideal for pre-cultivation,...
  • 25 Seeds

Cocktail Tomato Lemon Grape [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial cocktail tomato 'Lemon Grape' is a robust, medium-early and high-yielding stake tomato. A special feature with numerous flat, round, grooved and small lemon-yellow tomatoes that smell and taste of lemons. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot...
  • 40 Seeds

Beef Tomato San Marzano [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beefsteak tomato 'San Marzano' is a late, robust, old and traditional small-growing stake tomato variety. The taste is legendary, fruity and aromatic and is ideal for making tomato paste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot...
  • 25 Seeds

Oxheart Tomato Sonnenherz [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial oxheart tomato 'Sonnenherz' is an easy-to-grow, early-ripening rarity among stake tomato varieties. Very productive with 250-350g heavy fruits and a sweet, fruity and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in...
  • 20 Seeds

Ox Heart Tomato Orange [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial oxheart tomato 'Orange' is an early and robust stake tomato variety. High-yielding plants with fruits weighing around 250g and with an incomparable fruity-sweet and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing...
  • 25 Seeds

Meat Tomato White Beauty [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beefsteak tomato 'White Beauty' is a medium-late, robust and still unknown variety of stake tomato. The white fruits, which are around 200g in size, are slightly pink on the inside and have a...
  • 25 Seeds

Meat Tomato Giant Tomato Pineapple [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial giant tomato 'Pineapple' is a late-ripening, large-growing and excellent stake tomato variety with fruits weighing well over 500g. The unique taste of this high-yielding tomato is sweet, juicy, fruity and reminiscent of melon,...
  • 20 Seeds

Beef Tomato Rose De Berne [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beef tomato 'Rose de Berne' is a medium-late, popular and historical stake tomato variety. With different pink fruits, approx. 300g in size, and an intense aromatic, fruity and sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation,...
  • 30 Seeds

Charentais melon Murrmel [Cucupis melo]

€3,00 EUR
The 'Murrmel' melon is an annual, free-growing Charentais melon that originally comes from West to Central Africa and has been known and cultivated there for over 3000 years. With an even fruit set and an...
  • 20 Seeds

Zucchini Alberello Di Sarzana [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual zucchini 'Alberello di Sarzana' is a strong-growing, tried and tested and traditional Italian vegetable. With tender and fruity flesh and a very long harvest period. Ideal for self-sufficiency. Ideal for direct sowing or...
  • 10 Seeds

Pumpkin Hokkaido Red Kuri [Cucurbita maxima]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pumpkin 'Red Kuri' produces 3-5 pumpkins per plant that weigh 1-2 kg, are round and orange to red in color. Orange-yellow flesh. The taste is similar to sweet chestnuts, mild, nutty and sweet....
  • 15 Seeds

Pumpkin Sweet Dumpling [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pumpkin 'Sweet Dumpling' develops early 300-600g small fruits with a tender and firm flesh. The taste is creamy, mild with a very aromatic chestnut aroma. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot culture...
  • 15 Seeds

Pumpkin Violina [Cucurbita moschata]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pumpkin 'Violina' is a very old pumpkin variety that produces 2-4 kg heavy fruits. The taste is excellently mild and nutty, with an orange-colored, firm flesh. One plant produces 3-5 pumpkins. Ideal for...
  • 15 Seeds