Informationen about germination ability
Seeds are living beings and among them there are species that naturally have different germination abilities. However, if it still happens that all the seeds in a seed bag do not sprout, we have listed 4 basic reasons why the seeds cannot germinate:
  • Seeds are too old
  • No appropriate storage
  • The sowing was not carried out under the correct conditions
  • Mechanical damages
Are seeds 100% germinable?
The seeds that a plant produces are usually not all germinable. Naturally, there are species in which we can be happy if we have a germination rate of 60%. There are only a few species that achieve a value above 90%, and some even germinate better after storage. The basic rule is: if the seeds have too high a metabolic activity during storage, then their germination ability will decrease. For this reason, it is always important to ensure optimal storage conditions in order to maintain the best possible germination.
Germination quality and other tips
Depending on the conditions under which the mother plant was grown, its seeds will also develop.
In order to maintain a high level of germination, we and our other professional seed breeders pay particular attention to only harvesting seeds from plants that are particularly healthy, strong and have their own specific characteristics.
Um auch bei dir zu Hause unsere gewonnene hohe Keimfähigkeit bewahren zu können, werden dich diese 3 folgenden Punkte unterstützen:

  • Immer nur soviel Saatgut kaufen wie du gerade brauchst. Wir empfehlen immer, die Samen möglichst innerhalb eines Jahres auszusäen.
  • Bei der Saatgutlagerung ist es wichtig die Samen an einem dunklen, kühlen und trockenen Ort aufzubewahren. Erfahre unter dem folgenden Link detailliertere Informationen über die Saatgutlagerung
  • Die Angaben auf der Samentüte und in der Sortenbeschreibung sind genau bei der Aussaat zu beachten. Beachte insbesondere die Aussaatzeit, die Aussaattiefe und die optimale Keimtemperatur. Detailliertere Informationen zu der Aussaat findest du hier in unserem Artikel unter Keimarten - Licht, Temperatur und Besonderheiten  
Patience works miracles
Germination can take different lengths of time. If something doesn't germinate straight away, it could also be due to the specific germination time of the species. We have printed the germination time in our variety descriptions and on the seed bag to give you an overview of the different varieties. Often the seeds simply need a little more time; a delay in germination can occur at any time due to unfavorable factors.
If you have any further questions about germination, please contact us via our live chat.
Diverse seeds for pots and garden
Interesting open pollinated and reproducible varieties