Mulching - save water and promote growth

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Mulchen - Wasser sparen und Wachstum fördern
Nature as a model - In places where nature is still untouched, plants always cover the ground with fallen leaves and branches. Years of observation and several samples to test the impressive nature of the soil in nature have resulted in interesting and helpful findings that we present here.
Mulching is already well known in the areas of sustainable gardening and permaculture. By reducing resources and maintenance work, it is also very attractive for all garden beginners and hobby gardeners. Mulching can produce a higher yield, but only if the background is understood. Otherwise, many things can go wrong unexpectedly. To avoid this, we have simply presented all the important information here:

Meaning and history of mulch

The term 'mulch' means: "unrotted, organic material".
A mulch layer is a layer of up to 15cm high made of non-rotted plant remains that covers the soil in a way that allows air to pass through and light to pass through. Straw, hay, grass clippings, bark mulch or wild herbs are usually used for this purpose.
Mulching is a time-honored gardening practice that offers a variety of benefits and was already practiced in ancient times by the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs in plant cultivation.
Mulching is basically a method of improving garden soil and promoting plant growth. In agriculture, this is called 'promoting soil tillage', which describes the ideal state of fertile soil.
Gartenabfälle sinnvoll als Mulch weiter verwenden

The numerous advantages at a glance

  • Moisture retention and distribution
  • Nutrient supply
  • Temperature regulation
  • Weed suppression 
  • Feeds soil organisms
  • Protects against flooding and erosion
  • Protection against frost and drying out
  • Creates habitats for insects
  • Protects ground-level fruits from rot
  • Saving fertilizer
  • Saving water
  • Creates a loose soil structure
As protection against the weather, mulch creates an insulating layer that cools in summer, warms in winter, protects against soil erosion and provides nutrients to soil organisms. This can extend the growing season of crops. It provides a soft and clean base for fruits that ripen close to the ground, which prevents the formation of mold.
Richtig angewendet kann die Mulchschicht bis zu 80% der Wasserverdunstung mindern und erzeugt eine gleichbleibende Feuchtigkeit unter der Schicht, was viele Nutzpflanzen benötigen um gute Erträge zu erzielen. 
Eine Mulchschicht dient, neben der Temperaturregulierung, auch als Schutz bei Starkregen um die Bodenerosion, wie das Wegschwemmen der Erde zu reduzieren.

Durch die Lichtundurchlässige Schicht können die meisten Wildpflanzen nicht hindurch wachsen, was unerwünschte Unkräuter erheblich unterdrückt.
Auch zur Verbesserung der Fruchtbarkeit trägt die langsam verrottende Mulchschicht bei, weil Mikroorganismen das Material umwandeln und darin enthaltene Nährstoffe für die Pflanzen kontinuierlich verfügbar machen. 
Durch die Arbeit der Bodenlebewesen entsteht zusätzlich ein luftiger und lockerer Boden der den Pflanzen eine optimale Sauerstoffversorgung ermöglicht.
Insekten und andere hilfreiche Kleinlebewesen finden in der Teils feuchten und trocknen Mulchschicht ein zu Hause und können sich dort vermehren um das Gleichgewicht aufrechtzuerhalten.

The right mulch material - in the right place and time

If mulching is not done correctly, the effect may be minimal or even cause disadvantages. The choice of the right mulching material is crucial; it determines the pH value and the ratio of carbon and nitrogen (C/N ratio).
Materials used for mulching have different ingredients and therefore different properties. Here we provide an overview of the materials and examples of what to look out for with the different materials:
  • Straw
  • Hay 
  • Grass clippings
  • Bark mulch
  • Wild herbs
Straw has a coarse structure and is ideal for easily creating a thick, closed, airy and quickly drying layer of mulch. Even though straw contains a lot of carbon, it hardly contains any nitrogen. This means that the microorganisms need more nutrients from the soil to decompose the straw, which are then ultimately no longer available to the plants.
Things to consider when using
If straw or material with a similar consistency is chosen, good soil preparation with animal manure or slow-release fertilizer is necessary. It may be a good idea to use liquid fertilizer later, which can be seen over time when the leaves turn yellow.
Hay is finer than straw and is therefore easier to lay to move the layer in place and cover the soil. Hay also has little nitrogen and is therefore treated like straw. In addition, hay often contains a lot of seeds, which are unfavourable for the growth of new weeds.
Things to note when using
To use hay, I recommend moistening the material and then letting it dry out again after 7 days of constant moisture. This way, the hay seeds can be sterilized to avoid additional weed pressure.
Grass clippings have a fine structure and are ideal for spreading because they are easy to spread, have a high nitrogen content and cover the soil. Perfect for composting. In addition to the advantages, grass clippings tend to form mold in damp environments and can impair the oxygen supply in the soil.
Things to consider when using
When using grass clippings, the mulch layer needs to be loosened occasionally so that more oxygen can reach the soil, which is important after rainy days. The time period of use is also important to prevent mold from forming in permanently damp conditions. In temperate climates in spring and autumn, I recommend only covering the soil lightly with mulch.
Bark mulch usually has larger pieces of wood, is easy to spread and reliably covers the soil. The long-lasting material is decomposed more slowly by microorganisms and therefore, like straw, requires more nitrogen from the soil. Bark mulch also lowers the pH value of the soil by releasing tannins, which is not a problem for plants that prefer acidic soils. Plants that prefer alkaline soil can react sensitively to this, which can be seen in the yellowing of the leaves (chlorosis).
Things to consider when using
If you choose bark mulch, you should pay close attention to the pH value. Liming the soil may be necessary for some plants. I advise against using bark mulch for young plants and plants that prefer alkaline soils, as they can be damaged by the tannins it contains.
Wild herbs have an averagely fine structure and can be wonderfully placed between plants and reliably cover the soil in a breathable way. They also provide valuable nutrients that are readily accepted by all living creatures. In addition to their excellent availability, they have the disadvantage that seeds may fall onto the bed or robust plants may take root again if there is a lot of moisture.
Things to consider when using
When using wild herbs, make sure that you only use herbs that have not yet produced viable seeds. I do not recommend using robust herbs that are at risk of growing again as material.

Other important factors to consider

Long-term moisture not only increases the growth of mold, but also attracts more snails. Each type of mulch material also influences the pH value. Note whether the plants need a certain pH value. In the product description for the individual varieties on our website you will find the correct value for the plant.

Summary - What to consider when mulching

  • Additional fertilization if the material is poorly selected (C/N ratio)
  • pH value for sensitive plants 
  • Permanent moisture promotes mold growth and snail infestation
  • Soil cultivation is no longer possible afterwards
Many organic materials can be used for mulching and serve their purpose. Prioritize using green waste in the garden and what is available in abundance. 
The time when to mulch depends on the environmental conditions. In subtropical climates, ideally the beds are always mulched immediately after preparing the garden soil in order to prevent it from drying out. In temperate climates, mulching depends on the weather influences.

The practice - How mulch is distributed

A certain simple technique is necessary to ensure that the mulch remains stable on the beds and shows its advantages. Basically, the aim is for the mulch to form a closed carpet; for this, the individual parts are pushed into one another after the mulch has been placed. The individual mulch parts then form a large-area, stable covering of the soil in the overall structure. In addition, the laid out layer of mulch can be moistened with water so that the loose material settles under the weight and takes on the shape of the bed. 
The thickness of the mulch layer is usually 5-15 cm and is chosen according to the climate and weather conditions. A thicker layer decomposes more slowly and retains more moisture, whereas a thinner one can dry out more quickly and decomposes more quickly.
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