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Basil Genovese [Ocimum basilicum]

€2,50 EUR
€1.666,67 EUR kg
Seeds 1.5g - 800 Seeds
  • 1.5g - 800 Seeds

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  • Open-pollinated and reproducible

  • Standard high germination rate

Shipping costs vary depending on the region and continent. Here you can find a list of regions and prices:
Shipping National Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)
Envelope or package up to 500g = €4.50 (standard)
Package up to 2kg = €7
Shipping Europe
Envelope or package up to 500g = €9.50 (standard)
Package up to 1kg = €14
Package up to 2kg = €19
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Envelope or package up to 500g = €16.50 (standard)
Package up to 1kg = €26.50
Package up to 2kg = €35
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Envelope or package up to 500g = €14 (standard)
Package up to 1kg = €22.50
Package up to 2kg = €34.50
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The annual Italian basil 'Genovese' is a classic spice and medicinal plant with a typical intense aroma and sweet taste. Versatile and a main ingredient in Pesto Genovese, a classic Italian pesto. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good for mixed culture, harvest the leaves.

The Italian basil 'Genovese' is an annual spice and medicinal plant. The wild form has its origins in tropical and subtropical Asia and Australia. This variety, with its typical intense aroma and sweet taste, is the most popular and well-known of all basil varieties. It forms large, aromatic leaves that grow quickly and produce high yields when there is sufficient warmth. The oils in the basil have an antibiotic and antifungal effect. Smoking the leaves helps with stress and has a relaxing effect. Basil Genovese is a main ingredient in Pesto Genovese, a classic Italian pesto.

 General information 
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Life cycle:
Days to harvest:
70 days
Plant height approx.:
50 cm
Root type:
Heart rooter
Nutrient requirements:
Water requirements:
Winter hardiness:
Up to 3°C
Sunny until semi shady
Permeable, humus-rich loamy soil

pH value: 6.5 to 7.5

 Sowing and planting information 
Germination type:
Light germinator
Sowing depth:
0 cm
Optimal germination temperature:
18-24 °C
Germination time:
5-10 days
Plant and row spacing:
25x30 cm

Germination ability of seeds: 9-10 years

 Mixed culture 
Optimal mixed culture: Fennel, Pumpkin plants, Chard, Tomato, Apricot, Marigold, Lilies, Asparagus
Unfavorable mixed culture: Savory, Lemon balm, Sage, Thyme, Rue, Wormwood, Yarrow

 Sowing by climate zone 
Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Direct sowing from March to September is recommended. The ideal location for the plants is warm and sunny to partially shaded.
Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Direct sowing from May to July is recommended. The ideal location for the plants is warm and sunny.

 General recommendations 
Direct sowing in rows is recommended. After germination, thin out the plants to the specified plant spacing. Pre-cultivation in pots is also advisable.
Basil 'Genovese' does not tolerate waterlogging.

 Additional tips 
Cut the shoot tips to encourage branching and the emergence of new shoots. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and permeable soil with good nutrient and water storage capacity, it is recommended to also incorporate biochar and primary rock flour.

 Type of propagation 
Propagation occurs via seeds.

 Plant care 
To encourage bushy growth, older shoots and shoot tips should be cut off from time to time. No fertilization necessary.

 Other names 
Botanical names: Ocimum basilicum
English names: Basil
German names: Basilikum, Basilie, Basilienkraut, Königskraut
Portuguese names: Manjericão italiano
Spanish names: Albahaca
French names: Basilic

Country: Portugal

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Open pollinated and reproducible