Varieties assortment - seeds

Meat Tomato White Beauty [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial beefsteak tomato 'White Beauty' is a medium-late, robust and still unknown variety of stake tomato. The white fruits, which are around 200g in size, are slightly pink on the inside and have a special mild-sweet tomato...
  • 25 Seeds

Lady's Mantle [Alchemilla xanthochlora]

€2,50 EUR
€8.333,33 EUR kg
The perennial lady's mantle is a wild tea and medicinal plant and is mainly used for women's diseases. Diuretic, increases the activity of the glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves menstrual cramps and contributes to the healing of...
  • 0.3g - 400 Seeds

Spring Onion Ishikura Long White [Allium fistousosum]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The perennial spring onion 'Ishikura' is a similarly robust type of onion to the winter hedge onion. Versatile with rapid development and finer leaves. Very aromatic and slightly spicy taste. Ideal for direct sowing and pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
  • 2g - 850 Seeds

Yellow Beetroot Burpees Golden [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
€750,00 EUR kg
The biennial yellow beetroot 'Burpees Golden' is a popular and long-kept kitchen treasure and tastes unmistakably pleasantly sweet, juicy and fruity. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round, good for mixed...
  • 4g - 200 Seeds

Bell Pepper Yolo Wonder [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial bell pepper 'Yolo Wonder' is an early-ripening, robust and traditional block pepper. The thick-fleshed fruits weigh up to 150g and have a fruity, sweet and crisp taste. Does not require support. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 25 Seeds

Spice Tagetes [Tagetes lucida]

€2,50 EUR
€10.000,00 EUR kg
The perennial spice tagetes is a robust and little-known spice and medicinal plant. The Aztecs used this plant as a tea or for smoking because of its slightly psychedelic effect. It has a calming effect when used medicinally...
  • 0.25g - 200 Seeds

Italian Parsley Gigante d´Italica [Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum]

€3,00 EUR
€600,00 EUR kg
The biennial flat-leaf parsley 'Gigante d'Italica' is an original Italian spice and medicinal plant that is much finer and milder in taste than the curly varieties. Its valuable ingredients help with detoxification and support digestion. Ideal for direct...
  • 0.5g - 2000 Seeds
  • 15g Seeds
  • 30g Seeds

Greek Oregano - Pizza Oregano [Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum]

€2,50 EUR
€12.500,00 EUR kg
The perennial Greek oregano is a heat-loving, winter-hardy and drought-tolerant spice and medicinal plant. A world-famous typical spice for pizza and sauces. Versatile in relieving inflammation in the body and has a digestive and antibacterial effect. Ideal for...
  • 0.2g - 2000 Seeds

Stinging Nettle [Urtica dioica]

€2,50 EUR
The nettle is a very old perennial tea, vegetable and medicinal plant from Central Europe that has been used for centuries. From an ecological and medical perspective, the versatile and hardy species is an extremely valuable wild plant...
  • 0,5g - 300 Samen

Perilla - Green Shiso [Perilla frutescens]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The annual green shiso is a versatile and heat-loving vegetable, spice, oil and medicinal plant for raw consumption. The herb has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer-autumn, good for mixed...
  • 0.5g - 200 Seeds

Kale Halbhoher Grüner Krauser [Brassica oleracea var. sabellica]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial kale 'Halbhoher Grüner Krauser' is a vitamin-rich winter cabbage with a strong and delicately spicy taste. This variety is one of the oldest and was already cultivated in Europe in ancient times. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Good King Henry [Chenopodium bonus-henricus]

€2,50 EUR
€2.500,00 EUR kg
The perennial Good King Henry is an endangered wild plant species and a delicious spinach-like leaf vegetable plant. Hardy with a high iron and vitamin C content. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer-autumn, good for...
  • 1g - 450 Seeds

Holy Basil Tulsi [Ocimum tenuifolium syn. sanctum]

€2,50 EUR
€2.500,00 EUR kg
The perennial holy basil 'Tulsi' is a very old Ayurvedic spice and medicinal plant that has many different healing properties. Sweet taste with an aroma reminiscent of cloves. Known as a spice for various curries. Ideal for direct...
  • 1g - 500 Seeds

Staghorn Plantain [Plantago coronopus]

€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
The perennial staghorn plantain is an evergreen and hardy wild salad herb. The leaves contain a lot of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. A tasty mushroom-like and spicy-nutty salad addition. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 0.5g - 400 Seeds

Indian Tobacco Santo Domingo Ceremonian [Nicotiana rustica]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial Indian tobacco 'Santo Domingo Ceremonial' is a low-growing and hardy ritual tobacco with a high nicotine content that is used for medicinal applications and for ceremonies. During flowering, it is a nutrient-rich bee pasture. Ideal for...
  • 500 Seeds

Italian Basil Genoveser [Ocimum basilicum]

€2,50 EUR
€1.666,67 EUR kg
The annual Italian basil 'Genoveser' is a classic spice and medicinal plant with a typical intense aroma and sweet taste. Versatile and a main ingredient in Pesto Genovese, a classic Italian pesto. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 1.5g - 800 Seeds

Chamomile [Matricaria recutita]

€2,50 EUR
The annual chamomile has been known as an herbaceous medicinal plant since ancient times because of its versatile medicinal properties. Because of its healthy ingredients, it mainly helps with stomach and intestinal problems and inflammation. Ideal for direct...
  • 0.45g - 5000 Seeds

Shell pea Blauwshokker [Pisum sativum L. convar. sativum]

€3,00 EUR
€120,00 EUR kg
The annual shell pea 'Blauwschokker' is an old and early variety with blue pods. The high-yielding variety forms 5-12 cm long pods with a sweet, full-bodied and aromatic pea taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-autumn,...
  • 25g - 120 seeds

Nasturtium [Tropaeolum majus]

€2,50 EUR
€625,00 EUR kg
The perennial nasturtium is a tea, vegetable and medicinal plant that has been used since the Inca civilization to treat infected wounds. A versatile plant that is used as a natural antibiotic. Ideal for direct sowing, pot culture...
  • 4g - 30 Seeds

Catmint [Nepeta cataria]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
€3.750,00 EUR kg
The perennial catmint is the original hardy tea and medicinal plant with a calming, slightly sedative and hypnotic effect when ingested. It produces edible flowers and health-promoting essential oils. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing in...
  • 0.4g - 500 Seeds

Chervil [Anthriscus cerefolium]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
€600,00 EUR kg
Annual chervil is a spice, tea and medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times for seasoning, fasting or detoxification. Chervil has a cleansing effect on the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 2.5g - 1250 Seeds

Red Poppy - Corn Poppy [Papaver rhoeas]

€2,50 EUR
€2.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial red poppy is a versatile and summer-green herbaceous tea and medicinal plant for harsh conditions. This species is still used in folk medicine today and relieves many ailments. Very hardy and easy to care for. Ideal for...
  • 1g - 5000 Seeds
  • 5g Seeds
  • 15g Seeds

Small meadow button-Pimpinelle [Sanguisorba minor]

€2,50 EUR
€1.250,00 EUR kg
The perennial Small meadow button is a very old medicinal, tea, spice, salad and animal feed plant. The robust and versatile species is undemanding. Leaves smell like cucumbers and have a special cucumber-like and nutty taste. Ideal for...
  • 2g - 130 Seeds

Fennel Bulbs Selma [Foeniculum vulgare]

€3,00 EUR
€3.000,00 EUR kg
The annual bulb fennel 'Selma' is a fast-growing leaf vegetable that forms close-fitting, crisp leaves on an above-ground bulb. The juicy bulb has a mild, spicy to sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing spring-summer, good...
  • 1g - 130 Seeds

Celeriac Monarch [Apium graveolens var. rapaceum]

€3,00 EUR
€12.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial celeriac 'Monarch' is a vegetable and medicinal plant variety with large trapezoidal to round and heavy tubers. Mild and slightly nutty taste with health benefits, excellent for raw food. Long storage life. Ideal for pre-cultivation, no...
  • 0.25g - 300 seeds

Kohlrabi Dyna [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial kohlrabi ‘Dyna’ is a unique, very old and fast-growing light blue kohlrabi variety. The juicy, large, hardy tubers taste mild and tender and have a long harvest period. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing spring-autumn, pot cultivation possible, good...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Kohlrabi Lanro [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial kohlrabi ‘Lanro’ is a fast-growing cabbage variety for the whole outdoor session. Winter-hardy and heat-tolerant tubers weighing approx. 700g, slightly sweet, juicy and nutty. Short cultivation time without becoming woody. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing spring-summer-autumn, pot...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Mullein [Verbascum densiflorum]

€2,50 EUR
€4.166,67 EUR kg
The biennial mullein is a medicinal plant known since Hippocrates and is used for wounds and respiratory diseases. The impressive perennial develops majestic yellow flowers in the second year. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot cultivation, sowing in...
  • 0.6g - 2000 seeds

Head lettuce Rolando [Lactuca sativa var. capitata]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The annual lettuce 'Rolando' forms large heads with a well-closed underside. Drought tolerant and hardy. Very delicate and buttery taste, with a slightly spicy aroma. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing spring-autumn, good for mixed culture, harvesting...
  • 0.5g - 300 Seeds

Cilantro [Coriandrum sativum]

€2,50 EUR
€714,29 EUR kg
Annual coriander is a spice and medicinal plant that was used in ancient times to aid digestion, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, antibacterials and antifungals. A decoction protects against aphids and cabbage white butterflies. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 3.5g - 500 Seeds

Chard Rainbow [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial chard 'Rainbow' is a colorful mixture of four pure-colored varieties. The leafy vegetable is undemanding and easy to cultivate. The taste is mildly sweet and asparagus-like and can be harvested over a long...
  • 2g - 100 Seeds

Pith Pea Miracle of Kelvedon [Pisum sativum L. convar. medullare]

€3,00 EUR
The annual pith pea 'Miracle of Kelvedon' is an early, cold-resistant and fully heat-tolerant pea variety. For fresh consumption with a soft, sweet and aromatic taste. Can be grown without trellises. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 30g - 150 Seeds

Carrot Yellow Gochsheimer [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial carrot 'Gelbe Gochsheimer' is a healthy and stable carrot variety with 22cm long, strong roots. The taste is slightly sweet, spicy and aromatic. This special variety has a high nutritional quality and is...
  • 1.75g - 1750 Seeds

Carrot Rodelika [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial carrot 'Rodelika' is an early and strong-growing root vegetable with large, long, blunt and smooth-skinned roots and a characteristic sweet carrot flavor. Its valuable ingredients make it ideal for high-quality juices. Ideal for...
  • 1,75g - 1750 Seeds

Carrot White Küttiger [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial carrot 'White Küttiger' is a traditional white Swiss late-season variety with roots up to 20cm long and tapering. Firm, aromatic flesh with a strong flavor. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot cultivation, sowing all...
  • 1.75g - 1750 Seeds

Clary Sage [Salvia sclarea]

€2,50 EUR
The biennial clary sage is a versatile tea and medicinal plant. The species is used as a remedy for tension, to relax the nerves and anxiety. When smoked, the species acts as an aphrodisiac. Ideal...
  • 0.85g - 180 Seeds

Evening Primrose [Oenothera biennis]

€2,50 EUR
The biennial evening primrose is a versatile medicinal plant that opens its flowers at sunset, making it an important source of food for insects. Its healing evening primrose oil is well known for its ability...
  • 0.6g - 500 Seeds

New Zealand Spinach [Tetragonia tetragonioides]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial New Zealand spinach is a heat-tolerant type of spinach with a slightly sour taste. It grows as a ground cover and, thanks to its salt tolerance, also grows well near the coast. Ideal...
  • 4g - 40 Seeds
  • 15g Seeds
  • 30g Seeds

Ox Heart Tomato Orange [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial oxheart tomato 'Orange' is an early and robust stake tomato variety. High-yielding plants with fruits weighing around 250g and with an incomparable fruity-sweet and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing...
  • 25 Seeds

Oxheart Tomato Sonnenherz [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial oxheart tomato 'Sonnenherz' is an easy-to-grow, early-ripening rarity among stake tomato varieties. Very productive with 250-350g heavy fruits and a sweet, fruity and aromatic taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in...
  • 20 Seeds

Oilseed Radish - Green manure [Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis]

€4,50 EUR
The oil radish is an ancient annual oil, animal feed and green manure plant that originates from the warm regions of Egypt. This species was originally bred thousands of years ago to produce oil, which...
  • 4700 Seeds (sufficient for 22 m²)

East Indian Lemongrass [Cymbopogon flexuosus]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial East Indian lemongrass is a tropical aromatic, spice and medicinal plant with a special significance in medicine. High vitamin C content helps with colds and essential oils have a pleasant expectorant effect. Ideal...
  • 0.2g - 250 Seeds

Black Kale Nero Di Toscana [Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial black kale 'Nero di Toscana' is a traditional, highly aromatic old cabbage specialty with a palm-like and very decorative growth. This local superfood is very rich in vitamins, tastes mild and does not...
  • 0,5g - 100 Seeds

Paracress - Jambú [Acmella oleracea]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial paracress is a versatile spice and medicinal plant with numerous healing properties. It has antibacterial, antiviral, immune-boosting, salivation-inducing and anesthetic effects. The leaves have a tingling effect and taste fresh, a mixture of...
  • 0.2g - 500 Seeds

Parsnip Half Length White [Pastinaca sativa]

€3,00 EUR €1,50 EUR
The biennial parsnip 'Half Length White' is a late and versatile root vegetable variety with interesting health properties. High-yielding variety with 20-30 cm long roots and a pleasant sweet and spicy taste. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 3g - 550 Seeds
  • 10g Seeds

Curly Parsley Mooskrause [Petroselinum crispum]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial curly parsley 'Mooskrause' is a world-famous and versatile kitchen herb with a naturally strong aroma. In ancient times it was considered a sacred plant, a plant species for every home garden. Ideal for...
  • 5g - 2000 Seeds

Parsley root Osborne [Petroselinum crispum]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial parsley root 'Osborne' is a root vegetable with a 22-25 cm long, creamy white root. Intense, spicy and slightly sweet taste, with a mild parsley aroma. Drought tolerant and storable. Ideal for direct...
  • 1.5g - 800 seeds

Peppermint [Mentha x piperita]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial peppermint is the medicinal plant and the old favorite mint that is characterized by a high and sharp menthol content. A versatile medicinal plant with many valuable ingredients. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 0.1g - 500 Seeds

Winter Purslane [Claytonia perfoliata]

€3,00 EUR
The annual winter purslane is a fast-growing old winter lettuce that is used as a food and medicinal plant. Thick fleshy leaves have a fresh and mild nutty taste, the buds have a water chestnut...
  • 1g - 2000 Seeds

Corn - Popcorn Strawberry [Zea mays]

€3,00 EUR
The annual popcorn 'Strawberry Corn' is a medium-early edible rarity with sweet, red-colored kernels. Has a strong flavor of its own. Ideal for colored popcorn. The cobs are smaller than other varieties. Ideal for direct...
  • 4g - 50 Seeds

Italian Chicory - Radicchio Rossa Di Verona [Cichorium intybus var. foliosum]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial radicchio 'Rossa di Verona' is an old traditional leaf vegetable for overwintering. The taste of the high-yielding rosette-forming variety is sharp and slightly bitter, which diminishes when heated. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
  • 1g - 130 Seeds

Radish Sora [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual radish 'Sora' is a very fast-growing root vegetable with crimson roots that remain tender and firm for a long time. Mild, spicy taste with a slight spiciness. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 5g - 400 Seeds

Radish White Icicle [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual radish 'White Icicle' is a hardy and very fast-growing root vegetable. The white variety develops 10-15 cm long, juicy roots with a spicy and pleasant, slightly hot taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 5g - 400 Seeds

Common Tansy [Tanacetum vulgare]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
The perennial tansy is a wild dye and medicinal plant with many uses. In medicinal terms, it regulates menstruation, aids digestion, is anthelmintic and analgesic, and is also suitable as an insect repellent and biological...
  • 0.3g - 2000 Seeds

Marigold orange [Calendula officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
The annual marigold is a very important and versatile medicinal plant with an antiseptic effect in the flowers. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the regeneration of tissue in wounds. The flowers are edible....
  • 3g - 300 seeds
  • 10g Seeds
  • 25g Seeds

Romaine lettuce Forellenschluss [Lactuca sativa var. romana]

€3,00 EUR
The annual romaine lettuce 'Forellenschluss' is a crisp, sweet lettuce with open, elongated heads. A speciality for cultivation in the cooler seasons with a long harvest period. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing in...
  • 0.5g - 300 Seeds

Rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Rosemary is an old perennial spice and medicinal plant that comes from the Mediterranean and has been around since the 14th century. Century was used as a medicinal plant. Due to its aromatic and resinous...
  • 100 Seeds

Red Beetroot Egyptian Flat round [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial beetroot 'Egyptian Flat Round' is an old original red variety that was groundbreaking for other newer red varieties. Mild, earthy, sweet taste. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 3.5g - 200 Seeds

Beetroot Tonda di Chioggia [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial beetroot 'Tonda di Chioggia' is a traditional Italian light red variety with white rings in the flesh. A speciality for juicing or for raw consumption with a particularly pleasant, delicate, sweet taste. Ideal...
  • 3g - 200 Samen

Red Orache [Atriplex hortensis rubra]

€2,50 EUR
The annual red orache is an ancient and forgotten vegetable, spice, dye and medicinal plant. The taste is very mild, like spinach and ideal for self-sufficiency. Bee pasture! Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 2g - 600 Samen

Red Maca - Peruvian Cress [Lepidium meyenii]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Red Maca is a root vegetable, medicinal plant and a former source of strength for the Incas. This type of cress thrives particularly well at high altitudes. Firm and tender flesh with a...
  • 0.20g - 150 Seeds

Red Pointed Cabbage Kalibos [Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial red pointed cabbage 'Kalibos' is a red cabbage and the only known pointed cabbage variety in the world. The taste of the crisp leaves is very tender and juicy with a mildly sweet...
  • 0.25g - 60 seeds

Red Cabbage Rodynda [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial red cabbage 'Rodynda' is a tried and tested short-stemmed cabbage variety with a round to high oval head. Mildly spicy and sweet with an aromatic taste. Ideal for eating raw. Cabbages can be...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

Rocket - Arugula [Eruca sativa]

€2,50 EUR
The annual rocket is a salad and spice plant that was already used by the Romans. It has a nutty taste, similar to mustard and cress. Milder than wild rocket. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 2.5g - 2000 Seeds

Russian Tarragon [Artemisia dracunculus]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
The perennial russian tarragon is a hardy aromatic, medicinal and spice plant that was used as a scented oil in ancient Egypt and is valued in herbal medicine for its appetite-stimulating, digestive, diuretic, calming and...
  • 0.13g - 500 Seeds

Cucumber Tanja [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Tanja' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 20-25cm long fruits, fast-growing and resistant to typical cucumber diseases. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation,...
  • 20 Seeds

Sage [Salvia officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Perennial sage is a very old, sun-loving and traditional tea, medicinal and spice plant. Versatile and has many good active ingredients. It smells aromatic and tastes velvety, spicy and slightly bitter. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 1g - 100 Seeds

Sorrel [Rumex acetosa]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial sorrel is a vegetable plant with a typical sour taste and contains a lot of vitamin C and iron. All parts of the plant, including the seeds, are edible. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 0.3g - 400 Seeds

Blue Fenugreek [Trigonella caerulea]

€2,50 EUR
The annual blue Fenugreek is a fast-growing, historical spice and medicinal plant that is used to make cheese and bread. As a medicinal plant, it stimulates the appetite and digestion and has blood-building and blood...
  • 2,5g - 1000 seeds

Milfoil Yarrow [Achillea millefolium]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial milfoil yarrow is a hardy and very old wild meadow and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is highly valued for its anti-inflammatory, calming and antispasmodic effects. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 0.7g - 1000 Seeds

Snake Cucumber Arola [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Arola' is a hardy mixed flowering dioecious snake cucumber with a real cucumber taste experience! Up to 35 cm long and narrow fruits. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 10 Seeds

Garlic Chives [Allium tuberosum]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial chives are a very old, hardy spice and medicinal plant that is considered an effective natural remedy and promising cancer prevention in traditional medicine. The leaves have a hearty and sweet garlic aroma....
  • 2g - 400 Seeds

Chives [Allium schoenoprasum]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial chives are a spice and medicinal plant with long, medium-strong and coarse-tubular stalks. Strong, upright growth with an intense chive flavor. Antibacterial properties, lowers blood pressure and aids digestion. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 2g - 1600 Seeds

Cutting Celery Gewöhnlicher Schnitt [Apium graveolens var. secalinum]

€2,50 EUR
The biennial cutting celery 'Gewöhnlicher Schnitt' is an old herb with an aromatic taste. The vigorous variety forms numerous dark green leaf stalks that can be used fresh or dried as a spice. Ideal for direct...
  • 0.5g - 1600 Seeds

Black Cumin [Nigella sativa]

€2,50 EUR
The annual black cumin is a popular spice and medicinal plant for hot summers and cold periods. The seeds are used as a bread seasoning, salad dressing, dip, herb curd and for making oil. Ideal...
  • 4g - 800 Seeds

Siberian Motherwort - Marihuanilla [Leonurus sibiricus]

€2,50 EUR
The biennial Siberian motherwort is a very old Chinese tea, incense and medicinal plant and was mentioned in the old Chinese "Book of Songs". A proven remedy for menstrual cramps with a general strengthening effect....
  • 0.5g - 300 Seeds

Soybean Green Shell - Edamame [Glycine max]

€3,00 EUR
The annual soybean 'Green Shell' is an early, very versatile and traditional Japanese legume. World-famous oilseed plant with an extremely high protein content. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good for mixed...
  • 30g - 85 Seeds

Summer Savory [Satureja hortensis]

€2,50 EUR
The annual summer savory is a heat-loving herb and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is used to support digestion, reduce fever and relieve bee stings. Goes perfectly with beans! Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 2g - 1000 Seeds

Green Purslane [Portulaca oleracea]

€2,50 EUR
The annual summer purslane is a leaf vegetable and medicinal plant and has been popular as a succulent for thousands of years. High vitamin content and many minerals help with digestive disorders and heartburn. Ideal...
  • 1.5g - 1000 Seeds

Summer Radish Zürcher Markt [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual summer radish 'Zürcher Markt' is a radish variety for summer cultivation with 10-15 cm long and thick roots. Only 40 days of cultivation time. Juicy, strong, spicy and slightly hot taste. Ideal for...
  • 3g - 250 Seeds